More than football

The event is much more than just football matches

Fun activities

In between the football matches, players, coaches and spectators can have fun with various activities such as panna football, spin ladder, table football, frisbee golf, basketball and football on small goals and much more. We try to have something new and fun to present every year.


In our popular tombola tent you can win a lot of nice prizes from local and nationwide companies showing their support for Sommerbold på heden. If you buy at least five tombola tickets, there is even a win guarantee, as there is a small consolation prize for everyone who buys five tombola tickets without winning.


In our two kiosk tents, the nice volunteers are ready to sell breakfast buns, sausages, fruit, sandwiches, cake, sweets and ice cream, and it can be washed down with soft drinks, water, coffee, cocoa and tea. All at extremely reasonable prices. We hope that all participants and spectators will support our completely free event by shopping at the kiosks.


When many footballers fight for victory, it will cause some minor scratches and, rarely, also more serious injuries. In the Samaritan tent, you can receive competent first aid and if you need ice packs, bandages, plasters, blister plasters, sportstape or sunscreen, we can arrange that as well.

Team photos

We encourage all teams to have a team photo taken at the Sommerbold på heden sign. All photos are posted on our Facebook page under photos in a separate album called “Team photos”. Here you can download your photo, and if you would like a specific photo in high resolution, just send an email to

Changing room

In the Hammerum-Gjellerup sports arena located right next to the football pitches, there are changing rooms for both women and men. Naturally, the event’s many participants cannot all change clothes at the same time, but our experience is that the players are good at sharing the really nice facilities. It is of course possible to take a shower after the event.

Dining tent

If you want to enjoy your food or relax in the shade or – if the weather gods are not in are corner – seek shelter from the rain, we have a dining tent with room for more than 100 people. When the sun is shining, the tent is almost empty, but on a rainy day we recommend that you bring pavilions and tents that you can set up on the site, as it is financially impossible to have enough tents for everyone on a rainy day. There will also be an opportunity to be in dry weather in the nearby sports arena and school.


There are good toilet facilities in the nearby sports arena, and we will also have a mobile toilet on the sports field.

Event partner

Gold sponsors

Silver sponsors

Bronze sponsors